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GD Agent | GD Supplier | GD Distributor | GD Dealer | GD Spot Dealer - GD authorized Tianyuanxin as GD agent in China.

GD agent | GD supplier, GD official website authorized Tianyuan Xin for the Chinese mainland GD agent, to create China's most professional GD agent, as GD domestic authorized GD agent, Tianyuan Xin for the Chinese engineers to provide GD semiconductor company's GD products, purchasing, service support, Tianyuan Xin convergence of GD agent sources, 24 hours to give GD company's new product quotation, is your! GD's first choice of GD agent | GD supplier. GD is known for manufacturing a wide range of high-performance analog integrated circuits, Tianyuanxin technology as GD Asia-Pacific's outstanding online excellent partner GD agent | GD supplier, is now strong support for the Chinese region, GD online sample application and bulk spot purchase service.


GD Beijing Joyce Innovation was founded in 2005, is a semiconductor company, mainly produces advanced storage technology and IC solutions. GD Joyce Innovation Semiconductor core management team consists of senior executives from around the world, has a wealth of experience in research and development and management, the domestic microelectronics field of the core technology research and development personnel from Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other top research institutions, master's degree or above accounted for 60% of the total. The core technology R&D personnel in the field of domestic microelectronics come from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other top scientific research institutions, and more than 60% of them have master's degree or above. And actively introduce professionals with international vision, tracking the latest technology trends, to enhance the company's leading position in technology products.


Our core products include FLASH, 32-bit general-purpose MCUs, intelligent human-computer interaction sensing chips and total solutions. Our products are well known for their high performance and low power consumption, and are widely used in industrial, automotive, computer, consumer electronics, Internet of Things, mobile, network, communication, etc. MCU is one of the three major SPINORFLASH® suppliers in the world, and MCU is the leading supplier of 32-bit general-purpose MCUs in China. One of the three major SPINORFLASH® suppliers in the world, MCU has a place in the 32-bit general-purpose MCU field in China. It involves more than 350 products in 24 series, covering the largest market share in the world, with a cumulative shipment of more than 400 million units. And actively promote the industry integration, expand the strategic layout, in addition to the existing microcontroller, memory chips, layout of the Internet of Things in the field of human-computer interaction technology. We have also formed strategic partnerships with famous foundries and packaging and testing factories around the world to strengthen cooperation between upstream and downstream of the industry, optimize supply chain management, and jointly promote technological innovation in the semiconductor industry.


Six reasons why you should choose Tianyuanxin as your GD supplier:

First, one-stop GD replacement solution

Second, professional GD FAE technical team support

Third, very competitive GD company product prices

Fourth, thousands of GD original spot inventory

Fifth, 24 hours GD online real-time response

Sixth, flexible and changeable financial system

In the future, Tianyuanxin hopes to carry out closer cooperation with customers and GD, and at the same time, do our best to provide the most cutting-edge information and products of GD, so that customers can be one step ahead of the competition in the market in the future, and win the game.


GD Agent | GD Supplier | GD Distributor | GD Dealer | GD Spot Dealer - GD authorized Tianyuanxin as GD Agent | GD Supplier in China. 

For immediate information about GD Agent | GD Supplier, please contact directly:

Shenzhen Tianyuanxin Semiconductor Co.,Ltd

Tel:+86 15013767173             

Contact:Miss Yu                       Whats APP:15013767173 (cell phone wechat same number)     

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